July 9, 2011

Indo Jobs Information System | JossJob

Profit 2%+/hari, 60%+/30hari, 150%+/75hari dengan sangat mudah. Program ini sangat terpercaya dan telah banyak member yang membuktikan dari Bisnis Ini dan bahkan Anda dapat menghasilkan profit 15%+/hari.
TUNGGU APALAGI segera daftarkan diri Anda GRATIS
»»» DISINI ««« ++BONUS $10.

Indo Jobs Information System | JossJob

PT Semen Holcim

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 07:52 AM PDT

Holcim Indonesia is a leading fully integrated producer of cement, ready mixed concrete and aggregates with a unique and expanding retail franchise offering the most complete end-to-end solution to home building, from building materials supply to design and speedy, safe construction.

Holcim is a pioneer and an innovator in Indonesia's fast-developing cement sector, as the market for homes, commercial buildings and infrastructure expands. We are the only provider of a fully integrated range of nine cement types, concrete and aggregates. We are building a unique franchise in delivering complete, affordable housing solutions and upgrades, drawing on the skills of over 3,000 Holcim trained masons, over 43 franchisees and over 9,000 retail outlets across the island of Java. Holcim Beton was first to market with MiniMix phone service for same-day ready-mixed concrete delivery, and first with mobile concrete batching plants. Our construction industry seminars on best practices in large scale concrete pouring for multi storey building foundations are literally ground breaking. We are pioneers in creating a professional centre of excellence in vocational and managerial skills, the Holcim Academy, drawing students from across SE Asia.

We serve our home market of the island of Java from two major production sites and a grinding station with a combined finished cement capacity of 8.265 million tonnes. We operate multiple concrete batching plants, two stone quarries and an extensive logistics network of warehouses and silos.

Our Geocycle team provides complete waste solutions for industry, municipalities and agriculture. We pioneered safe disposal of CFC ozone depleting gases - the first facility in SE Asia. We earn carbon credits under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism for co-processing biomass, thus eradicating CO2 emissions from decomposition of discarded agricultural waste.

In 2008 the distinctive Holcim brand was the first in the cement industry in Indonesia to achieve Superbrand status and attained first prize in the environmental category in the NCSR Sustainable Development Reporting Awards. We are a 2008 Presidential Award winner for safety, 2006 winner of the Dupont/Warta Ekonomi prize for "Most caring company for safety", Green PROPER status and the only holder of gold status on security management from the Indonesian Police force.

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk is one of the biggest cement companies in Indonesia with the distinguished advantage of integrated businesses in ready-mix concrete and aggregate - provides a working environment that encourages personal & professional development skill. We seek high caliber professionals to join our team.

Company: PT Semen Holcim Indonesia
Job Terms: Permanent Position
Job Level: Middle Officer
Job Location: Jakarta
Job Type: Administration

Office Administration Superintendent


* To manage all administration process for all company's land & property assets (own & rental). This included prepare draft agreements, back-up documents to support land acquisition, licenses and permit process, process tax payment (PBB & BPHTB), renewal (extension) reminder, and prepare & compile regular report for Management.
* To establish and manage a proper filing record system for CEM department.
* To review and validate all Land Certificates and any other important legal document related to Land & Property assets.
* To coordinate in preparing all SOP for CEM Department (particularly for Land & Property Management)


* Education: S-1 degree with 5 (five) years working experiences
* Tertiary qualification in legal, commercial, or business management, and from a recognized university
* Experience: A working knowledge of the Construction (or Real Estate) industry with a minimum of 5 years experience (in supervisory level), associated with the Land & Property asset management.
* Computer literacy: Computer Literacy : Excel, Ms Word, Lotus Notes
* Language: Good command in English both oral & written

Other qualification / skills:

* A good standard of the management skills, communication, responsibility, acceptability, leadership, decision-making, organization, motivation and personnel development
* Possess excellent analytical and communication skills, combined with an enthusiastic and well balanced approach to the job
* Interest in detail checking work and proper filing management.

Land Acquisition & Management Staff


To assist Estate Administration Superintendent and CEM Department for the following activities:

* To acquire (own & rental) Land for RMX Plant expansion and monitor Land condition (maintenance) regularly.
* To monitor the condition (maintenance) of all un-used Company's Property assets under Asset Reduction Program.
* To collect all information, data, and documents which are related to Land Acquisition process (including certificate, license and permit) and Asset Reduction Program.


* Education:S-1 degree with 3 (three) years working experiences
* Or Senior High School with 7 (seven) years working experiences
* Qualification in commercial, business management or technical background, and from a recognized institution.
* Experience: A working knowledge of the Construction, Real Estate, or other relevant industry with a minimum of 3 years experience, associated with the Land & Property acquisition activities.
* Computer literacy: Computer Literacy (Office, Lotus Notes, Google Map, etc)
* Language: English (fair)

Other qualification / skills:

* Excellent in human approach and communication skills.
* No time & place constraint, hard working, and honest.
* Fast learning & action and good in reporting.
* Tough and always provide solution.

Estate Administration Superintendent


* To manage Office Building Management for HIL group company.
* To manage all land acquisition (own & rental) for RMX Plant expansion.
* To manage Asset Reduction Program (ARP) for all un-used company's Land & Property assets.
* To coordinate the development of Integrated Land Management Information System.


* Education: S-1 degree with 5 (five) years working experiences
* Tertiary qualification in commercial, business management, or technical and from a recognized university.
* Experience: A working knowledge of the Construction (or Real Estate) industry with a minimum of 5 years experience (in supervisory level), associated with the Land & Property acquisition and management.
* Computer literacy: Computer Literacy : Excel, Ms Word, Lotus Notes
* Language: Good command in English both oral & written

Other qualification / skills:

* A good standard of the management skills, communication, responsibility, acceptability, leadership, decision-making, organization, motivation and personnel development
* Possess excellent analytical and communication skills, combined with an enthusiastic and well balanced approach to the job
* Excellent in strategy, coordination, human approach and negotiation skills.

Interested candidates please send your application not later than July 22, 2011 and write 'jossjob.com' as your reference in your application letter. Please indicate position applied for on the subject field of your email

Organizational Design & Development Dept.

Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional - BTPN

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 07:48 AM PDT

PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) started, back in Bandung in 1959. The bank was initially set up to cater for retired military personnel and named Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer or BAPEMIL. Eventually the bank's customers expanded to civil servant pensioners as well.
For more than 50 years BTPN has focused its banking services to serve pensioners, working closely together with the State Pensiun Insurance company, PT Taspen and the state postal company, PT Pos Indonesia.

BTPN's pension business consists of payment services of Old Age Benefits (Tunjangan Hari Tua - THT) and monthly pension payments under cooperation with its strategic partners, primarily TASPEN and pension fund institutions, such as Dana Pensiun Pertamina, Dana Pensiun Telkom and Dana Pensiun Perhutani.

Besides servicing pension payments, the Bank also provides loans for its pensioner customers, where monthly installments are deducted from their monthly pension benefits.

Pension Loan
Pension loan facilities for pensioners carry simple requirements, speedy process, and flexible tenors and usage. This allows pensioners to use theirpension loan facilities to cover their special needs.

Employee Loan
Loan facilities for employees (civil servants of the central and regional governments, military forces, and the employees of state-owned enterprises) carry simple requirements, speedy service, and flexible tenors to cover their respective needs.

To serve better for "Sahabat Karib Pensiunan", BTPN always provide related programs and activities based on pensioner's lifestyle with additional diverse of information also activities that construct BTPN pensioners healthy and prosperous.

Unique and customized services are proven as part of BTPN commitment through:

* Branch opens early in the morning at the beginning of month
* Welcome Greeting amenity since arrival
* Professional Customized Service for Pensioners
* Serving Pensioners sincerely akin to our Own Parent
* Branch with Customized Design for Pensioners

Pension Healthy and Prosperous Program is a proof of company's caring where it shows in social services and also gratitude as part of company's social responsibility.

PSS along with BTPN's mission aims to grow and expand together with customers building a meaningful life through applicable lifestyle of healthy and prosperous customers

This PSS program has strong carried with healthy foundation in affecting healthy lifestyle by reducing pain in daily life and has longer lifetime; where Prosperous is having positive foresight in totally includes physical dimension, intellectual, emotion and mental, spiritual also social.

PSS offers consultation service with expertise in health and prosperity through 3 steps of activities, they are:

1. Interactive Dialogue: information group and direct discussion with expertise about needs in retired time
2. Health Service: medical checkup program and free health consultation. This service is given during 3-5 days in the first week of pickup salary
3. Success sharing stories: sharing within pensioners has inspired each other to present motivation and success tips

Now in expansion our business Bank BTPN is opening the position for Indonesian candidates only

Jobs Company: Bank BTPN
Jobs Type: Banking Industry
Jobs Level: Fresh Graduates
Work Location: East Kalimantan - Tarakan

Teller (TLR-TRK)

Pension payment and the payment of pension credit disbursement, according to systems and procedures with satisfactory service


* Minimal S1 with minimum GPA of 2.75
* Maximum age 27 years
* Fresh Graduate or experienced in the same field
* Have good analytical skills and focus on results
* Have the ability in service to customers (customer orientation)

Sales & Marketing Officer (SMO-TRK)

Conducting sales activities pension credit, new credit offerings (renewal) as well as doing promotional activities related to the partners.


* Minimal S1 with minimum GPA of 2.75
* Maximum age 30 years
* Fresh Graduate or experienced in sales for 1-3 yrs
* Have good analytical skills and focus on results
* Prefers tasks and be able to establish communication field

Credit Acceptance (CA-TRK)

Conducting the process of granting pension credits and complete the loan documents in accordance with the provisions and resolve all complaints / customer complaint properly and timely.


* Minimal S1 with minimum GPA of 2.75
* Maximum age 27 years
* Fresh Graduate or experienced in the same field
* have good analytical skills and ability in service to the customer (customer orientation)
* Region Placement: Tarakan (East Kalimantan)

Write the position code and send your complete application not later 2 weeks after this advertisement. Please write 'jossjob.com' as your job reference in your application letter. Only Candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed

HC Region BTPN
PO BOX 394 Balikpapan
East Kalimantan
Or e-mail:


Info Penerimaan Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Suramadu

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 07:43 AM PDT

TAHUN 2011

Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Surabaya Madura (BPWS) membuka kesempatan kepada para Sarjana dan Diploma III, WNI, pria dan wanita untuk mengikuti seleksi pengadaan sebagai
Calon Pegawai di lingkungan Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Surabaya Madura yang akan ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Surabaya dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


Pendidikan Sarjana (S-1) :
Teknik Sipil, Arsitektur, Tekonolgi Industri, Perencanaan Wilayah, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika, Desain Grafis, Hukum, Ekonomi Pembangunan/Akuntansi
/Manajemen, Komunikasi, Manajemen Informatika, Hubungan Internasional, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris, dan Teknik Kimia

Dilploma III (D3):
Teknik Sipil, Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Statistik, Teknik Informatika, Sekretaris, AKuntansi, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia


1. Dari perguruan tinggi negeri / perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah terakreditasi
2. Warga negara Indonesia, sehat jasmani dan rohani
3. Berkelakukan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum
4. Dapat mengoperasikan computer (Microsoft Office) dan internet (browsing dan e-mail)

Periode pemasukan lamaran dibuka pada tanggal 08 Juli 2011 s/d 12 Juli 2011 (jam kerja). Panitia tidak menerima pengiriman dokumen lamaran secara langsung ke kantor BPWS
Pengiriman berkas hanya melalui Kotak Pos dan ditujukan kepada :

Ketua Panitia Pengadaan Pegawai
Badan Pelaksana – BPWS


* Fotokopi ijazah berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir
* 3 (tiga) lembar pas photo ukuran 3X4 cm (berwarna) dan nama pelamar dituliskan di bagian belakang
* Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku dan Akta kelahiran
* Berkas lamaran disusun rapi dalam map snelhecter warna kuning (S1) dan biru (D3) dan dimasukkan dalam amplop berwarna coklat
* Berkas lamaran yang memenuhi persayaratan akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi pengadaan pegawai


* Seleksi masuk Calon Pegawai BPWS tidak dipungut biaya
* BPWS tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apaun oleh oknum oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab
* Berkas lamaran yang diterima panitia menjadi milik panitia dan tidak dapat diminta kembali
* Pertanyaan tentang pengadaan pegawai bisa dialamatkan pada : bpwsrekrutmen@yahoo.com

Surabaya, 6 Juli 2011


Posted: 08 Jul 2011 07:34 AM PDT

SMART Telecom, part of Sinar Mas group, has been established to provide the most innovative, advanced and high quality cellular sevice in Indonesia. Supported by CDMA2000 1x EVDO REV-A Technology, we provide high quality voice and high speed internet (mobile broadband) to our customers. Nowadays Smart Telecom has been operating in most cities in Java, Sumatera and Bali.

(Jakarta Raya)


Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in programming and application development using object-oriented languages especially using ABAP is required.
Preferably experience from Telco company.
Experience in SAP functional modules is an advantage.
Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in IT/Computer - software or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email to:

Komisi Gratis | Bisnis Online Tanpa Modal

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